Like a lot of people my age, I grew up playing video games, first on an Atari 2600, then on a Nintendo, then on a long series of PCs, the last of which I built. I still play games, but I have lots of other things to do, work and hobbies both, and these days I play on an Xbox X because I don’t want the hassle of keeping a PC in gaming shape.
The links below lead to things I’m writing about games I’m playing (or sometimes not).
This is the game I’ve written about the most since the relaunch because I was deep in a play through at the time. I have some hope that I’ll be writing about other games soon. Not because I’m tired of Cyberpunk, but just because I’d like to think that another great game will come along and hook me.
Posts on gaming that don’t easily fit into a game-specific list.
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